Guest Indie Author Cole Drewes

This week I’m handing the blog over to a new Indie Author coming into the urban fantasy scene…. Mr. Cole Drewes.

Hey Keith thanks for having me on your blog. I’ll start by saying I’ve really enjoyed the process of becoming an indie author. I’ve met a ton of awesome people doing the same thing I’m doing. I thought going into this that finding readers would be hard but I was really surprised when people other than my family and friends began to show a real interest in my novel. Self Publishing has allowed all of us a chance that we didn’t have 5 years ago. The chance to show readers our book without having to go through all the obstacles of traditional publishing. Everyone many not work on their book as hard as others and every self-publishing novel isn’t going to be an American classic, but it lets people fulfill their dreams. Take a look at indie film or music and just recently we have started to embrace an independent movie of indie music. Now it’s time to embrace indie publishing and authors and readers all over the world are willing to do that. For starters, we can provide out books at half the cost, some may say half the quality but I disagree. Also, an indie author can have a series of books to their readers faster than a traditional publisher would allow.

I’ve been able to sit at home and network over blogs and Facebook to advertise my blog and everyone has been more than helpful. I’ve realized that we are all willing to help each other to achieve our goals.

I’ve been working on my first urban fantasy novel “Hounds of Heaven” for about two years. You can subscribe to my blog below at:

I just started my blog not too long ago but I plan on writing about my experience with my book along with anything and everything I’m interested in. I’m also currently involved in which is a website that helps fund projects for filmakers, musicians, authors, etc. I have currently set up funding for “Hounds of Heaven.”

The money will help marketing more than anything but I have a low goal because I felt this would allow me to advertise my book while providing donators with some cool gifts they wouldn’t have access to. The link to my kickstarter project is below:

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