Isosceles Moon 2

Keith C. Blackmore
His house destroyed.
His life torn asunder.
Isosceles Moon is on the run.
From what, he’s not entirely sure. He only needs to stay hidden for a day or two, to figure out what the hell is going on. While he’s at it, perhaps he’ll discover why his forehead has developed a rosy mark right in the center, where Calithea kissed him. A mark that, oddly enough, only he is able to see.
Some answers might lie in the small, picturesque town called New Call.
But New Call has its own mysteries, its own dark secrets. It’s been waiting for people like Ice to drop by for a visit—and then making sure they never leave. Worse still, the residents have noticed something special about Ice. They’ve noticed that he’s alone, tired, and seeking a place for the night. And they’ve noticed his smile. They know the inn where Ice will be staying. It’s the only one in town.
And after the sun goes down, the irresistible evil that has ruled New Call for centuries will emerge from the surrounding hills.
And will hunt for the stranger with the very fine set of teeth.
Book 2. A horror novella of about a hundred pages. Contains violence and coarse language.