John Steakley, 1951-2010
Well, I got up this morning and took a look on Amazon, as I usually will every few months, and went through my list of favourite authors to see if she/he has anything new coming out. John Steakley is one of them, and this morning I thought “I’ll go to Wikipedia” with the intention of […]
I have two complete Fantasy novels in the wings, and I doing some thinking as to when to release them. This June/July, I’ll be releasing two novellas, which will hopefully give my sales a boost. Right now, I’m usually selling between 9 and 17 books a day, which still isn’t enough to make a […]
April’s Numbers…
The Troll Hunter–– Ten No Experience Necessary— Thirteen The Missing Boatman—Seven Flight of the Cookie Dough Mansion–– Zero (pah!) The Bear That Fell From The Stars–– 185 (too long to write it out) So the bread-maker for this month is the story about the ninja being taken by aliens. I’ve watched it climb Amazon’s […]