June was the ninth month for me as a self-published writer. The titles are picking up, but my best seller for the month was hands down “The Bear That Fell From The Stars.”
The Troll Hunter––50
No Experience Necessary— 6
The Missing Boatman—16
Flight of the Cookie Dough Mansion–– 4
Cauldron Gristle–12
The Bear That Fell From The Stars–– 2334
For the grand total of 2442 for the month.
Not bad. Cauldron managed to sell 12 even tho I did very little promotion for it. That was an experiment you see, to see how many new readers I had picked up from previous sales. This month I will promote a little more. Troll Hunter is picking up steam, after 8 months. And Boatman still is chugging along. Flight of the Cookie Dough Mansion did well, and had a nice review here:
So, all in all, I was quite happy with the month. Bear continues to sell well, averaging 80 to 150 sales a day, which seems enough to keep it in the top 20 of Amazon’s SF charts. When I can get the cash, I’m going to have a friend format it for Smashwords, to see if it can duplicate the same success on Amazon.
Since starting this, way back in October of 2010, I’ve sold 3952 books, with sales picking up in the 7th and 8th month. June might have been a fluke, and what goes up on the charts, will come down. Money is just starting to trickle in, and as nice as sales are for Bear, my royalty is only 35% off each .99 book. It’s only a 60 page novella, and I can’t justify raising the price. I’d rather have people say it’s a great bargain at .99, rather than a rip-off. I’ve said before, it was meant as a quick, low priced read to introduce folks to my work, and as of today, it’s worked.
I’ve also been advised to set my myself up as a business here, so that’s the next step.
The next book is 131 Days, which should be out as soon as I get it from the editors, and my beta reading group passes it.
Work continues on revamping two of my older (first) books called Not a Bard’s Song, and Not Another Bard’s Song. Going over the first book now, and I realize how much a person’s style changes over 20 years. Looking at the first book, I’m even wondering if I should release it (I’ll leave that decision until I get reactions from the editor and the beta gang). I like the story, but… the presentation just seems so bare. The sequel is better I feel, but even that is showing its age. Anyway, those two projects are taking up the summer days so far.
And that’s a wrap.