Mountain Man Merchandise now on Sale!
You asked for it, and Podium Audio thought it was a good idea! Head on over to their in-house store and take a gander at the custom designed t-shirts as well as sweat socks (for those unexpected emergencies). Eh? Ehhhhh? Nice, right? Please note, they don’t have Paypal options yet… but they will […]
MOUNTAIN MAN: 2 Prequel: Them Early Days….. AUDIOBOOK LIVE!
Available on… Food. Booze. Weapons and armor. And any toilet paper he can find. It’s been a rough time for Gus Berry. He barely survived the city of Annapolis as its population underwent a violent transformation, leaving everyone he knew or loved either dead or undead. Things aren’t much better now, though. […]
MOUNTAIN MAN: 2 Prequel: Them Early Days….. EBOOK LIVE!
Purchase here at Amazon! So, yes, here it is. Just the ebook however as the audiobook was delayed until Feb. 8th, 2022. Expect the paperback in a few weeks to a month. Hope you like the book…
PRE-ORDER NOW LIVE! Mountain Man: 2nd Prequel: Them Early Days….
Pre-order on On! Pre-order on Amazon! Food. Booze. Weapons and armor. And—any toilet paper he can find. It’s been a rough time for Gus Berry. He barely survived the city of Annapolis as its population underwent a violent transformation, leaving everyone he knew or loved either dead, or undead. Things aren’t much […]
Mountain Man Book 6 “MINDLESS” is ON SALE NOW!
Just click on your preferred format: Audiobook on Ebook on And I’m hoping the paperback will be available by the end of the week, if not earlier. Amazon informs me it takes up to 72 hours to get that live–that one’s on me–sorry. Been a while since […]
UPDATE:… Mountain Man 6: “Mindless” PRE-ORDER NOW LIVE
Release date–March 9th, 2021 (and not Jan. 12th) Just click on your preferred format: Audiobook on Ebook on And I’m hoping the paperback will be available within a week of releasing the audio and ebook formats. I can’t seem to do a pre-order for paperbacks. Not at this time, […]
UPDATE:… Mountain Man 6: “Mindless”
Just a quick one. So I wrote this the other day… The End. There you go. First draft finally done. MM6 “Mindless” is over 135,000 words, which makes it a little shy of MM4’s length. That total will probably change, depending on what I might add or take out in the […]
It’s Official….
Don’t ask me how… Or when… Or who (because I don’t know who will play the lead)… But here you go… ‘Mountain Man’ Author Keith C. Blackmore Teams With Traveling Picture Show Company And Balcony 9 To Produce Adaptation Of Post-Apocalyptic Book Series (click on that… if you haven’t […]
Make Me King: Mountain Man Book 5 (Audio) is NOW ON SALE!
Click cover or this line to purchase on On the island of Big Tancook, Collie Jones is making plans. She informs the islanders that it’s time to resume her original mission – to find other survivors, screen them, and return them to the island. Every survivor she brings back is one more […]
Mountain Man 5: “MAKE ME KING” is now available for pre-order!
February 18th, 2020… Pre-order is now live… Click cover or this line to pre-order on On the island of Big Tancook, Collie Jones is making plans. She informs the islanders that it’s time to resume her original mission – to find other survivors, screen them, and return them to the island. […]